In New World, Woodworking is the refining process of turning raw wood gathered through the Logging skill into processed Wood Materials, which can then be used in several Engineering recipes and Town Projects. Timber and lumber are both vital refined goods needed for crafting a wide variety of products: weapons, armor, tools, furniture, etc. We tell you in this article how you can quickly level your logging skills to get the necessary raw materials.
Once you’ve gotten a logging axe in your hand, it’s time to chop down some trees to get wood. You can start knocking down young trees of any size, beginning at Logging level zero. Different woods become available when you reach certain Logging milestones:
Green Wood: Lv. 0 Logging
Aged Wood: Lv. 50 Logging
Wyrdwood: Lv. 100 Logging
Ironwood: Lv. 175 Logging
To increase your Logging prowess, use more advanced tools that increase your gathering speed, like iron or steel logging axes. Axes with certain perks will help as well, like increased durability, increased Logging yield, and increased chances of finding rare materials.
The higher the quality of your tools, the faster you can cut trees. And the faster you can cut trees, the faster you gain experience per tree. Whenever possible, try to make or use new world gold to buy better tools.
In addition, the more points you have sunk in the constitution in the attribute window, the more advantages you get when you cut trees.
50 points or more = + 10% more logging speed
200 points or more = another + 10% more speed when logging
250 points or more = 10% more income from logging
300 points or more = 25% chance of cutting down a tree in one fell swoop
Area call also plays a role. With the area call card “Collect,” you can fell trees even faster, which means you gain experience more quickly. If you mainly chop wood in an area, you can use this buff.
Woodworking Leveling is a big part of New World, but it doesn’t make it easy. So we hope this guide to help you reach the max level quickly. For more New World guides and tips, feel free to browse here!