Okay, I have the bottom of the sword and I obtained the right skull part from OSRS Gold minotaurs. What I require now is the other half of the sceptre and the left skull. However, I will be fighting ankous I'm not sure if I'm good enough to fight them. So... These are my numbers as I have to kill a couple of anguish. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to obtain my left skull Half. Thank You for Answereing!
Pures won't be much help because Pking is no longer in play, but you can still create it if you want to. You can train Attack and Strengh using Dummies at Varrock once you are at the top stage. Once you're there you can fight goblins and men and chickens. You can move up to more powerful NPCs as you increase your level. I would suggest that you train your strength and attacking at 5 levels. This will increase the effectiveness of your training.
5 Attack, 5 Strength, then 10 att, then 10 strength 15 att, 15 str, 20 att, 20 str, 25 att 30 str (you should be able to work more efficiently at 25-30) 30 att 35 str. 35 att. 45 str. 40 att., 50 str. 45 att, 55 str 50 att (if you want to become a gmaul then you can train str like mad and stop when you hit).
I would suggest you get 5 attack levels after every 10 or so from 50+ since there is no point of having a pure with 99 str and 50 attack because you'd never hit. It is up to Buy RuneScape Gold you to train your defense, mage or range. More better is double comparitive there is nothing better! Pure isn't something you want to consume the time you have with.