Beneath Swordcross is a large cavern area. The caverns will also be somewhat diverse based on which regions of RuneScape gold the island they are under. The caverns are more harmful than the main island-- the level gap is higher. Fighters can have a 25 level gap in the caverns.
The caverns also hold the most dangerous monsters on Swordcross, even though they're the least of your worries and won't attack you if you are engaged in PvP battle. Swordcross also includes five quite tall towers that take you up on a lift to a very strange area of the island. The Cloud-Zone. The Cloud Zone has the least amount of interruptions and arrangements, but that is not to say there are not any. It is also the least dangerous portion of Swordcross, as it's weak monsters and has a level difference of 10. The Cloud Zone is also the only means of escaping the island in PvP style, which is explained later.
The Cloud zone also has the biggest multi-combat area on the island. This should depend on if Jagex wants to ensure it is a part or free location. Since I suggest free, I'll attempt to make it so it's available to free players.
One way to get there's a lengthy bridge East of Clan Wars. Revenants will not go on the bridge, but there should be a few critters settling in on the bridge... not very dangerous ones, they just happen to be there. The Bridge stops on Hilt Island. Maybe unlockable in a pursuit should be a ship system beside the Bridge, which can take you to Hilt quicker than going on foot. For associates, the Games Necklace and Charter Ships should also have the ability to take you to Hilt. There can also be another really long bridge to up it from Morytania.
The greatest building in the town of Hilt is that the reception construction to Swordcross. It's somewhat like the Castle Wars reception building, but it doubles as an Inn, carrying several warriors drinking and having a good time. It also has a healing area and also an Altar (To Guthix or Zamorak... maybe Bandos) in it. Oh yeah, and also a bank. Once you've got everything ready, you step through a portal site and choose that part of Swordcross you would like to enter. You will find several spawn spots, both on the main land and buy runescape 3 gold the caverns. The cloud area doesn't have any however.