Trash & Recycle

Schedule for Trash & Recycle Collection
TUESDAYS: Trash & Recyclables
Place curbside for pickup AFTER 5:00PM on Monday
FRIDAYS: Trash ONLY (NO Recycables)
Place curbside for pickup AFTER 5:00PM on Thursday
*There is a new policy on trash containers effective April 19, 2019 that can be reviewed HERE. Do not place trash in common areas. Place trash in provided hard plastic containers, with lids, on the devil strips/side walk near your assigned parking space. Effective April 19, 2019 trash bags alone may not be put out as they are easily torn open and spread trash through out the neighborhood and contribute to pest infestation (e.g. Rats).
Large Items & Other (Call for Pickup)
Large items must be scheduled in advanced with American Disposal. Call American Disposal and make pick up arrangements. There may be fees for this service for which you, the home-owner, are responsible for. Examples of large items include but are not limited to furniture, mattresses, bathroom fixtures, and appliances.
Other items American Disposal will not pick-up without scheduling include electronics, televisions, computers, stereo equipment, and paint cans/products.

Yard Waste Collection (Friday Pickup)
Grass clippings and leaves are to be placed curbside in either/or brown paper bags, un-bagged in a personal container clearly marked “yard waste”, or certified compostable plastic bags. Each tree limb or piece of brush must be no longer than 4 feet in length and 3 inches thick in diameter. Limbs and brush must be bundled with rope or twine for ease of collection and placement into the truck. Items that are bagged, bundled or placed in your cart may not exceed 50 lb. Mulch, dirt, rock, and sod can NOT be placed curbside. Learn more:
Paint & Hazardous Waste
Call American Disposal to make arrangements for pickup OR Fairfax County offers free disposal when you bring your paint & hazardous waste to one of their collection sites. Contact Fairfax County Hazardous Waste Program at 703-324-5068, TTY 711.
If you need new trash bins then please contact American Disposal.
Inclement Weather Policy & Holiday Schedule
Roads and/or areas, which are deemed unsafe due to snow or ice, will be suspended for collection. If unable to provide collection, services will resume as soon as it is safe to do so. American Disposal will post information about suspended service on their website.
Holiday Schedule can be found at:
What can be Recycled?
See American Disposal's Recycle Page to learn more about what can & cannot be recycled.